The city of London, Ontario, is grappling with the untimely and devastating loss of 7-year-old Dante Caranci, who tragically died after being struck by a vehicle on Monday, December 16. The tragic incident has left a deep wound in the hearts of those who knew him, from his family and friends to his school and hockey community.
Dante, a student at Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Elementary School in Delaware, was struck by a vehicle around 4 p.m. on Longwoods Road, near his home in Lambeth. Dante had just gotten off his school bus, as he did every day, when the accident occurred. Rushed to the hospital with serious injuries, he tragically passed away on Tuesday, leaving his family and community devastated.
In their grief, Dante’s family has shared poignant memories of their son, remembering him as a “joyful, radiant child” who brought light and laughter to every room he entered. “Everybody loved Dante,” they said, describing a boy whose kind-hearted nature touched all those around him. His parents, Stefano and Jacqueline Caranci, and his older brother, nine-year-old brother, are heartbroken by the loss of their son and brother, and are holding tight to the beautiful memories they shared with him.
Dante’s spirit was one of energy, laughter, and passion for life. He was an avid hockey player, playing for the Lambeth Lancers minor hockey league, where he was known for his enthusiasm and dedication to the sport. His coaches and teammates will remember him not just for his talent on the ice, but for the bright smile and infectious energy he brought to every game.
Outside of hockey, Dante had many other interests that made him the playful, curious child he was. He enjoyed building with Legos, playing soccer, and immersing himself in his favorite video game, Fortnite. No matter the activity, Dante’s enthusiasm and zest for life were evident, and his joyful energy left an impact on all who knew him.
The tragedy has shocked the London and Lambeth communities, with an outpouring of grief and support for the Caranci family. As Dante’s funeral is planned for Saturday, the entire community is joining together to honor his memory and offer support to his family during this unimaginable time.
London Police have confirmed that their investigation into the incident is ongoing, and they have expressed their condolences to the Caranci family and the broader community. The tragic loss of such a young and vibrant life has sparked conversations about pedestrian safety and the need for heightened awareness on the roads.
As the community grapples with the loss of this bright young boy, one thing is clear—Dante Caranci will be remembered not just for the way he left us, but for the joy and love he gave during his short time on this earth. His light will continue to shine in the hearts of his family, his friends, and all those who were touched by his presence.
Dante’s memory will live on, a shining reminder of the joy, kindness, and enthusiasm that filled his life. Rest in peace, Dante. You will always be loved, and never forgotten. GoFundMe