The Heyday community and Heyday Elite Fitness are reeling from the tragic loss of Eddie Corona, a vibrant member who passed away in a devastating car accident in Wilmington. Eddie, 29, was involved in a fatal collision on Thursday night when the vehicle he was in crashed into an excavator at a nearby construction site.
Los Angeles Fire Department and LAPD responded to the scene around 10:32 p.m., where they discovered Eddie alongside another victim, Adan Hernandez, 30. According to officials, the driver was speeding down Anaheim Street when the accident occurred.
Eddie was known not only for his dedication to fitness but also for his infectious energy that inspired those around him. His commitment to the Heyday community made a significant impact on many lives, and his absence will be deeply felt.
As the investigation into the accident continues, the Heyday community is coming together to honor Eddie’s memory. Vigils and fundraising efforts are being organized to support his family during this challenging time.