Tragedy struck the community when Ethan Alexander Cox, an 18-year-old beloved son, brother, and friend, passed away on June 11, 2023, following a devastating motor vehicle accident. Born on March 20, 2005, at Joint Base Andrews in Maryland, Ethan was known for his exuberant spirit and unwavering kindness. The world lost a remarkable young man whose warmth and joy touched everyone he met.
On that fateful day, Ethan and his twin brother, Christian, were involved in a head-on collision caused by a driver who crossed into their lane. Despite the paramedics’ efforts, Ethan succumbed to his injuries en route to the hospital, leaving behind a family and community in mourning. His mother, Melissa, father, Stephen, and brother Christian deeply feel this loss, as do his step-siblings, grandparents, and friends.
In his final year at Patuxent High School, Ethan was looking forward to a bright future, with plans to join the United States Space Force after graduation. He was not only an athlete on the football team but also an enthusiastic participant in track and field. Ethan cherished moments spent playing computer games with Christian and their friends, Alex and Spencer, exemplifying the close bond shared by the twins.
Beyond academics and sports, Ethan enjoyed the great outdoors—hiking, beach outings, and fishing were among his favorite activities. His vivacious spirit and incredible laughter are irreplaceable, but his legacy of love and kindness will continue to live on in the hearts of those fortunate enough to have known him.