The local community is in deep mourning following the heartbreaking passing of Morgan Hughes, a devoted wife and mother who passed away just days after giving birth to twins. On December 19, 2024, Morgan welcomed her beautiful children, Georgia and Hudson, into the world. Tragically, within a week, she experienced complications from the delivery and passed away on December 28, leaving family and friends devastated by the loss.
At only 22 years old, Morgan was a shining light in the lives of all who knew her. Known for her warmth and kindness, she embraced motherhood with open arms, and her greatest joy came from her new role as a mother. Friends and family remember her bright smile, nurturing spirit, and ability to make everyone feel at ease.
Morgan’s husband, Sam Hughes, a dedicated member of the Utah baseball community, reflects on the beautiful mother and partner that Morgan was. “Morgan was my best friend and the love of my life. She was so excited to become a mother, and her love for Georgia and Hudson was unmatched,” he shared. “The joy in her eyes when she held them will forever be etched in my memory.”
Morgan’s legacy extends beyond her immediate family; she was a cherished member of the community and particularly connected to the Lone Peak Fire Department, where her father, Brian Hodson, serves as a captain. Growing up around the firehouse, Morgan forged lasting relationships and was a beloved figure among the firefighters.
“From a young age, Morgan was part of this fire family. Her absence will be deeply felt,” said a fellow firefighter. “She brought so much joy and love to our lives.” As the community comes together to honor Morgan’s memory, they will remember her as a loving mother, caring friend, and radiant spirit whose impact will resonate in their hearts forever.